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Your search for "swedish" yielded 23606 hits

The transition worked – but now we need a more even quality in teaching

By jenny [dot] loftrup [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Loftrup) - published 28 September 2020 “Great efforts must be made so that we transform rather than cancel activities”, says Malin Bruce, president of LUS, and Ella Sjöbeck, vice president of LUS since June. Photo:Jenny Loftrup LU managed the transition to digital teaching. But the spring Coronavirus crisis had a negative impact on - 2025-03-10

Open Position: Associate Senior Lecturer in Middle Eastern Studies and Political Science

Published 8 July 2022 CMES is looking to employ an ambitious Middle Eastern scholar and political scientist. Last application day: September 15, 2022 General Information Last application date: September 15, 2022 11:59 PM CEST Type of employment: Permanent position Contract type: Full time First day of employment: By agreement Reference number: PA2022/2541 Link to the job listing in English Link to - 2025-03-10

Lund University is investing SEK 100 million in an international research programme on sustainable development

By anna [dot] johansson [at] rektor [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Johansson) - published 4 March 2021 Lund University is investing SEK 100 million in an interdisciplinary research programme focusing on Agenda 2030 and sustainable development. The programme is to attract international research expertise and to bring about the establishment of more internationally leading research environments in sustaina - 2025-03-10

Prize worth millions awarded to leading blood-vessel researcher

By tove [dot] smeds [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Tove Smeds) - published 5 October 2021 Christer Betsholtz, professor at Uppsala University and Karolinska Institutet, has been awarded the major Nordic Prize for 2021 by the Eric K. Fernström Foundation. Photo: Göran Ekeberg. Christer Betsholtz, professor at Uppsala University and Karolinska Institutet, has been awarded the major Nordic Prize for 202 - 2025-03-10

The Disciplinary Board – where the humor takes a break

By tove [dot] gilvad [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Tove Gilvad) - published 10 December 2024 A basic rule for students at Lund University is not to cheat, and students themselves are responsible for finding out which rules apply to, for example, summaries and references during examinations on the current course. Photo: Kenneth Ruona The disciplinary board at Lund University exists to ensure that all - 2025-03-10

50 million to Susanne Arvidsson and her team

Published 2 April 2022 The BIOPATH consortium consists of a carefully composed team of research specialists in sustainable finance and biodiversity as well as influential partners from industry, the financial system and public authorities. The research programme ”Pathways towards an efficient alignment of the financial system with the needs of biodiversity (BIOPATH)”, with Lund University as host, - 2025-03-10

Anne L'Huillier received Lund's first Nobel Prize

By minna [dot] wallen-widung [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Minna Wallén-Widung) - published 26 October 2023 A few hours after the announcement: Anne L'Huillier surrounded by media, colleagues and students. Photo: Andreas Hillergren/TT The excitement has been palpable in recent weeks following the award of the Nobel Prize in Physics to Anne L’Huillier, a researcher at Lund. This is the firs - 2025-03-10

Speech for the annual academic ceremony on 4 March 2022

Published 10 March 2022 On Friday the 4 March, the university's anniversary was celebrated. Vice-Chancellor Erik Renström began with a speech on the current world situation: Honoured emeriti vice-chancellors, honoured deans, students, colleagues and guests, In the foreword to the annual academic ceremony programme, you will see a summary of what this speech was intended to be about. Today, after a - 2025-03-10

More information about Lund University’s five profile areas

Published 22 August 2022 Illustration by Catrin Jacobsson. The news last week that Lund University has five profile areas has generated a lot of interest. Since the information at this stage has been rather limited, I will answer the three most common questions here. More information will be published about the profile areas after the summer holidays. Question 1: What will the profile areas do? Al - 2025-03-10

Almost time to move in to the newly renovated M Building

By jessika [dot] sellergren [at] lth [dot] lu [dot] se (Jessika Sellergren) - published 5 May 2023 An external view of the spherical teaching space ‘Teknodrom’. Photo: Kennet Ruona Back then, the red brick buildings rose like a lonely wall against the open fields of eastern Lund. Now, the buildings are a hub in the middle of the knowledge highway that links the centre of the city with the research - 2025-03-10

Degrowth – the path to the future

By minna [dot] wallen-widung [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Minna Wallén-Widung) - published 8 June 2023 Timothée Parrique completed his PhD in 2019 with a thesis on the concept of degrowth. He is currently in France as part of his postdoc position at the Department of Business Administration. Photo: Mathieu Génon Economists are obsessed with growth. So says economist Timothée Parrique, who - 2025-03-10

Star-studded tomes from the Astronomy Library move to new home

By johan [dot] joelsson [at] science [dot] lu [dot] se (Johan Joelsson) - published 30 May 2024 At the University Library’s book bindery and preservation studio Alexandra Tengelin Nyström och ­Carina Nilsson take care of the exclusive book collection. Photo: Johan Joelsson Around 100 select astronomy books dating from 1545 to 1799 have been relocated from the Astronomy Library to the University Li - 2025-03-10

Internationalisation – important, comprehensive and complex

By minna [dot] wallen-widung [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Minna Wallén-Widung) - published 13 December 2024 The tense global situation is a challenge for the university's internationalisation work, says International Coordinator Pär Svensson. Photo: Minna Wallén-Widung Internationalisation has become more important – and more complex – in recent years. In a world where democracy and acade - 2025-03-10

“Research chef” refines the recipe for semiconductors

By jessika [dot] sellergren [at] lth [dot] lu [dot] se (Jessika Sellergren) - published 13 February 2025 Vanya Darakchieva is a professor of solid state physics at LTH. Photo: Jenny Leyman What is the perfect recipe for semiconductors? Vanya Darakchieva is working on the answer in her research on novel semiconductor materials. As a professor of solid state physics at the Faculty of Engineering (LT - 2025-03-10

MFA Student Interview Series, part VIII: Irene Margrethe Kaltenborn and Karolina Bergman Engman

By filippa [dot] jonsson [at] thm [dot] lu [dot] se (Filippa Jonsson) - published 17 September 2024 Irene Margrethe Kaltenborn In KHM1 gallery IreneMargrethe Kaltenborn´s MFA exhibition Choreographies towards loss set the stage for the audience to enter artworks which echoed loss and a void, full of wonderment and poetics. The gallery was dimly lit and kept minimal, leaving room for the viewer to - 2025-03-09

Learning more about the endocrine system could lead to fewer cases of type 2 diabetes and obesity

By petra [dot] olsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Petra Olsson) - published 25 January 2023 Nurse Anna Hellman measures the blood pressure of a participant in a treatment study where researchers are investigating how the hormone vasopressin is affected by how much water we drink. Photo: Kennet Ruona How much water do we need to drink to stay healthy? How do different diets affect our metabolism? S - 2025-03-09

Development Research Day 2020

Publicerad 8 oktober 2020 The Development Research Day is an inter-disciplinary arrangement that was initiated in order to form a meeting ground for all researchers and students at Lund University who share an interest in development issues. About Development Research Day, DRD The first DRD The event was launched in 2002 by the Department of Political Science at Lund University. Since then the res - 2025-03-09

CRISPR i vetenskap och konst

Av Ulf [dot] Kristoffersson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Ulf Kristoffersson) - publicerad 19 oktober 2020 Invigningstal vid utställningen ”Embracing the Future” av Patricia Piccinini, Borås konsthall, den 8 februari 2020 Tack för att ni inbjudit oss från Pufendorf-Temat CRISPRideas – Genome Editing Technologies att bidra till invigningen av Patrica Piccininis utställning. Pufendorfinstitutet är ett - 2025-03-09

Clues can awaken hidden memories

Published 25 September 2013 The scent of a madeleine dipped in lime blossom tea awakened a flood of childhood memories for the main character in Marcel Proust’s famous novel about ‘lost time’. The madeleine is an example of a clue for the memory. In Proust’s case, the clue worked subconsciously, in other cases we can use clues to consciously try to recall the memories for which we are searching. M - 2025-03-09